Rough Guide to Jordan

RGJordan5coverA shade late (sorry about that), this is to say that the new edition of my Rough Guide to Jordan is now out, buyable anywhere in the world as a printed book (yay!) – ask for ISBN 978-14053-89792 – or downloadable as an e-book (boo!) here.

Rough Guides (in fact, the amazing Martin Dunford; how many careers have you launched, Martin?) commissioned me to write the first edition back in 1997. I spent three months in Amman that summer – and then moved to Jordan shortly afterwards. The first edition came out the following year, then another in 2002, then 2006, then 2009. Now 2013.

It’s been a constant 15-year process of updating and refining information, writing and rewriting accounts, expanding and clarifying maps and listings, and – I hope – shedding some light on the country and the region. It’s often been a battle with Rough Guides, but this is my book, and I love it.

And what a privilege to have the chance to travel Jordan in detail, over so many years – a place of spirit, beauty and profound human warmth. Jordan has changed my life. I will never be able to repay my debt of gratitude to this memorable place and its remarkable people.

I’m old-fashioned enough to think travel guides – proper travel guides written to be read, not Top 10s and bitty web content – can help bridge otherwise unbridgeable gaps. I only hope mine does.

But, naturally, there are horrible mistakes in it, and countless things that are already out of date. If you find any, have a look at this update list I’ve started to see if I’ve already picked it up. If not, please drop me a line.